This recipe is an easy and quick way to get a range of rich antioxidants. It's packed with vitamins and minerals, and it's a great way to start your day.
Green Juices filled with mostly green vegetables can help reduce inflammation, improve gut health, increase energy levels and is a great boost to nourish and alkalise your body.
This juice is refreshing and overall replenishing. It is full of good nutrients that help us feel our best.
We make a big batch of juice every few days. We store it in a jug and slowly drink it throughout the week. This ensures that we always have fresh juice to enjoy!

- 1-2 Green Apples
- 1 bunch of Kale
- Half a Celery
- A handful of Parsley
- Half a lime or Lemon or both!
- 5 cm knob of Ginger
In order to make this delicious juice, first you'll need to gather all the ingredients. Once you have everything, put it all through a juicer. And voila! Serve with ice and enjoy.